Mindfulness Based Coach Camp 受講規約


The accredited program’s Participant Enrollment Agreement.

Terms and Conditions of MBCC Main Course(Essentials and Changemaker)

contact-us@mbcc-c.com(MBCC 事務局)

These Terms and Conditions of Attendance set forth the terms and conditions of the agreement between the participants and the organizer of the seminars, workshops, and other courses (hereinafter “Courses”)offered by the Mindful Leadership Institute(hereinafter “Organizer”).

If you have any questions, please contact us at the following address.
contact-us@mbcc-c.com(MBCC OfficeContact Point)

  • 1. 本講座受講を希望する者は、MBCCのホームページからのオンライン申し込みにより、受講の申込をまず行い、氏名・住所・電話番号など主催者の定める事項について、正確かつ最新の情報を提供するものとします。
  • 2. 上記申込受付と、受講料の入金確認をもって正式なお申込手続きが完了したことになります。申し込み手続きが完了次第、お申込最終確認を主催者よりEメールにて通知するものとします。
  • 3. 受講の年齢については、原則18歳以上とします。

Article1. (Application for attendance)
  • 1. Those who wish to take this course shall first apply for the course by submitting an online application through the MBCC website, and shall provide accurate and up-to-date information regarding name, address, telephone number, and other items specified by the Organizer.
  • 2. Upon receipt of the above application and confirmation of payment of the course fee, the application process will be officially completed. Upon completion of the application process, the Organizer will send a final confirmation of the application by e-mail.
  • 3. In principle, participants must be 18 years of age or older.
Article2. (Privacy Policy, Use of Registered Information)
The registration information of the students of theCourseswill be used only within the Organizer. Under no circumstances will it be transferred or leased to other companies. MBCC and its operating entity, the Mindful Leadership Institute set the following as the Privacy Policy.
Privacy Policy
Mindful Leadership Institute (hereinafter”the Company”) may ask you to provide us with your personal information in order to provide you with our products, services, etc. We strongly recognize the importance of protecting the personal information of our customers and strive to build and maintain a sound and meaningful relationship with them and a relationship of trust. Therefore, in order to ensure the protection of our customers’ personal information, we hereby disclose our privacy policy (hereinafter “Policy”).
1.利用目的/Purpose of Use
  • セミナーや勉強会、出版物のリリースその他、当社の事業に関わるご案内等を提供するため、郵便、電子メール等の方法によりお知らせすること
  • 当社の事業に関わる国内外の情報について、郵便、電子メール等の方法によりお知らせすること
  • 当社の事業目的に沿った活動を促進するため、アンケート等の調査を実施すること
  • お客様の本人確認、クレジットカードの認証サービスのため
  • 個人を特定できない範囲においての統計情報の作成および利用
  • 当社の事業に関する新規開発に必要なデータの解析や分析
  • 契約や法律等に基づく権利の行使や義務の履行
  • アフターサービス、各種問い合わせ対応のため
The Companywill acquire and appropriately use your personal information within the scope of the purposes specified below.
  • To inform you of seminars, workshops, publication releases, and other information related to the Company’sbusiness by mail, e-mail, or other methods.
  • To inform you of domestic and international information related to the Company’sbusiness by mail, e-mail, or other methods.
  • To conduct surveys such as questionnaires in order to promote activities in line with the Company’sbusiness objectives.
  • To verify the identity of customers and to provide credit card authentication services.
  • To create and use statistical information to the extent that individuals cannot be identified.
  • To analyze data necessary for new development related to the Company’sbusiness.
  • To exercise rights and fulfill obligations based on contracts and laws, etc.
  • To provide after-sales service and respond to various inquiries.
2.個人情報の第三者提供/Provision of Personal Information to Third Parties
  • 法令に基づく場合
  • 人の生命、身体または財産の保護のために必要がある場合であって、本人の同意を得ることが困難であるとき
  • 公衆衛生の向上または児童の健全な育成の推進のために特に必要がある場合であって、本人の同意を得ることが困難であるとき
  • 国の機関もしくは地方公共団体またはその委託を受けた者が法令の定める事務を遂行することに対して協力する必要がある場合であって、本人の同意を得ることにより当該事務の遂行に支障を及ぼすおそれがあるとき
  • 第三者に提供することについて事前の同意を頂いているとき
The Company will not provide personal information to third parties without prior consent of the customer, except in the following cases. However, this excludes cases permitted under the Personal Information Protection Law and other laws and regulations.
  • When required by law.
  • When it is necessary for the protection of a person’s life, body, or property, and it is difficult to obtain the consent of the customer.
  • When it is especially necessary to improve public health or to promote the sound growth of children, and it is difficult to obtain the consent of the individual concerned.
  • When it is necessary to cooperate with a national agency, a local government, or an individual or entity entrusted by either a national agency or local government to execute affairs prescribed by law, and obtaining the consent of the individual is likely to impede the execution of such affairs.
  • When we have obtained prior consent to provide the information to a third party.
When the Companyoutsource all or part of thebusiness operations, such as information processing, wedisclose personal information to the relevant outsourcing company. When disclosing personal information to such subcontractors, the Companywill select such subcontractors on the condition that wehave secured an adequate level of personal information protection, and will disclose such information only after concluding a nondisclosure agreement with such subcontractors.
4.共同利用/Joint use
The Companywill share the personal data of theircustomers within the following scope in order to achieve the purposes of use described in 1.

  • (1)共同して利用される個人データの項目/Items of Personal Data to be Sharedお客様ご本人から特に申入れがある場合を除いて、お客様ご本人の全ての個人データ
    All personal data of the customer, unless otherwise requested by the customer
  • (2)共同して利用する者の範囲/Scope of Joint use
(ただし、以下の者が日本国内に事業所を設置している場合、または日本国内で事業活動を行っている場合に限る) (However, this is limited to cases where the following persons have a place of business in Japan or conduct business activities in Japan)
  • ①International Coaching Federation
  • ②Search Inside Yourself Leadership Institute
  • ③Right Question Institute
(3)共同して利用する者の利用目的/Purposes of use by persons with whom the Company shares information
Same as 1. Purpose of Use above.(However, limited to cases related to the provision of goods and services to persons in Japan, such as residents of Japan.)

Name or title of the person responsible for the management of such personal dataMindful Leadership Institute
5.情報の開示等/Disclosure of Information,etc.
If you wish to confirm or correct your personal information,the Companywill respond to your request for disclosure by submitting a document specified by them. To make a request for disclosure, please contact the Company’s inquiry desk. If you wish to make a request for disclosure, please have something ready that confirms your identity(insurance card, driver’s license, etc.). Please note that no fees or other charges are required for the disclosure of personal information.
6.適正管理/Proper Management
To the extent necessary to achieve the Purpose of Use, the Companywill endeavor to manage personal information in an accurate and up-to-date manner, and will continuously take necessary security measures, both technically and organizationally, to protect personal information from unauthorized access, loss, destruction, falsification, leakage, and other risks. In addition, the Companywill provide necessary and appropriate training and supervision of ouremployees to ensure the safe management of personal information.
7.問い合わせ先/Contact Information
一般社団法人マインドフルリーダーシップ インスティテュートMBCC事務局
For inquiries regarding personal information management, or requests for notification of purpose of use, disclosure, correction, deletion, or cessation of use or provision to third parties, please contact us at the following.
Mindful Leadership Institute MBCC Office Contact Point
8.本方針の変更/Changes to this Policy
The Company reserves the right to change the content of this policy as necessary. The Companyshall post the changed contents of this policy on the website managed by us. In the event that the Companyarerequired by law to obtain the consent of the customer, weshall obtain the customer’s consent in the manner prescribed by us.
Full refunds, excluding refund fees, are accepted up to 15days before the course begins.
  • コース開催14日~3日前まで:受講料の50%
  • コース開催2日前以降および連絡のない場合:受講料の100%
After 14 days before the course starts, the following amounts must be paid
  • From 14 days to 3 days prior to thecourse: 50% of the course fee
  • Less than 2 days prior to the course or without notice: 100% of the course fee
災害や治安情勢、その他の理由で講座の円滑で安全な開講が難しいと判断される場合は、本講座を中止または延期できるものとします。この場合、主催者は講座中止・延期の決定から10 日以内に、当該講座の受講料を全額返金いたします。

Article 4. (Cancellation or Change of Courses)
The organizer reserves the right to cancel or postpone the Coursesin the event of a disaster, security situation, or other circumstances that make it difficult to conduct the course smoothly and safely. In such a case, the organizer will refund the course fee in full within 10 days of the decision to cancel or postpone theCourses.

We appreciate your kind attention to the above and thank you in advance for your cooperation.

MBCC ファウンダー

Tensei Yoshida
MBCC Founder
Board of Directors, Mindful Leadership Institute

Super Start Up (SSU)受講規約
Super Start Up (SSU)Terms and Conditions

このたびはMBCC の入門コース、SSU(Super Start Up)にお申込みいただき誠にありがとうございます。本コースは、お好きな時間に専用教材を通してMBCCの基本を学んでいただくオンデマンド学習と、その終了後に履修いただくオンライン講座で構成されています。お申込みから受講の流れは以下のとおりです。

Thank you for applying to MBCC’s introductory course, SSU (Super Start Up).This course consists of on-demand learning, in which you will learn the basics of MBCC through dedicated materials at yourown time, and online courses to be taken after the completion of the on-demand learning. The flow of the course from application to enrollment is as follows.

  • 下記のフォームからお申込み
  • ご入金
  • ご入金確認後、事務局よりオンデマンド学習の教材をメールにて配信
    ※ラーニングボックスというe ラーニングシステムにご招待しますので、各自ご承認いただくことで学習が開始できます。
  • お好きな時間に学習
  • レポート提出⇒ オンライン講座に参加
  • Apply using the form below
  • Payment
  • After confirming your payment, the office will send you on-demand learning materials by e-mail.
    ※You will be invited to the e-learning system called “Learning Box”, and you can start learning by approving the application.
  • Study at your own time
  • Submission of reports ⇒ Participation in the online course


After confirming ➀and ②above, the office will send you information regarding on-demand learning and online courses. Online courses are available by reservation only. The schedule for the next three months is available. Reservations are accepted through the Coubic reservation system.

※開催日の2週間前の時点でお申込みが0 のクラスは休講となり、開催スケジュールを更新します。
※MBCC エッセンシャルズ基礎コースへのご参加は、SSU の修了が前提となります。

Course schedule will be updated as needed.Please check our website and reservation system (https://coubic.com/mbcc-c) for the latest information before registering.
※Classes with zero registrations two weeks prior to the course date will be cancelled and the course schedule will be updated.
※If you wish to retake the same class within one year, or if you wish to apply for an online class you have not completed after one year has passed, you will be charged an additional fee of¥5,500 per class.
※The intellectual property rights to all SSU and MBCC courses are owned by Mindful Leadership Institute. Unauthorized citation of materials isa violation of the law. Please check with the Office Contact Pointbefore using any content. In principle, MBCC’s vision is to work together as an open community, and we support the activities of MBCC Members (students).
※MBCC Essentials Basic Course requires completion of the SSU.

For re-registration of graduates, we will issue a continuous study certificate according to the number of hours taken (However, it is a condition that you take one course in total).
Three-fourths of all study hours are required to complete each course. (Reports and other make-up work available for absences)
For some of the classes that have not been taken, we will prepare a transfer to the next course.
You can choose bank transfer or PayPal payment online. In the case of bank transfer, in principle, the transfer will be made within 10 business days from the application, and it will be officially accepted when the transfer is completed. In the case of PayPal, acceptance will be completed when payment is completed
The bank transfer fee shall be borne by the students.
  • 入金確認後、一か月が経過してもオンデマンド学習をスタートされていない場合は事務局からご連絡を差し上げます。その後1か月以内に「受講の意思がないこと」が確認された場合は全額をご返金いたします。
  • 一か月が経過しても連絡をいただけない場合と、オンデマンド学習に着手されていた場合は、一切の返金はできません。
  • If you have not started on-demand learning within one month after payment is confirmed, we will contact you. If we confirm within one month that you don’t want to takie the course, we will refund the full amount.
  • If we can’t receive your response and confirm your intension passed one month or you have already started the on-demand study, we will not be able to refund any money.
Transfer credit for hours completed at other coaching schools may not be added to the hours completed at this school.